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Gene Crawford has represented clients in a variety of business-related disputes, particularly those where government agencies have pursued Jones Day's corporate clients. Government interactions with corporations often involve due process, First Amendment, and Commerce Clause issues, and Gene has dealt with each of them in several contexts.
Gene also has important experience conducting internal investigations for corporate clients accused of wrongdoing. His extensive experience interviewing employees ensures that clients discover the facts before learning them first from government investigators. Most recently, Gene worked closely with an industry leading company to promptly and completely meet its government subpoena obligations. These proactive efforts establish the right government relationship up front and put clients on the path to a favorable outcome.
Gene also has a thorough knowledge of e-discovery issues. He has deposed IT personnel to ensure full access to an adversary's electronic information, which often proves critical in building a successful case. In addition, he has worked side-by-side with client IT personnel to ensure the proper planning and execution of e-discovery obligations.
Gene litigated numerous cases on appeal while serving as a deputy solicitor in the Ohio Attorney General's Office, including Cutter v. Wilkinson, 544 U.S. 709 (2005); Wilkinson v. Austin, 545 U.S. 209 (2005); and Bradshaw v. Stumpf, 545 U.S. 175 (2005). Gene also worked on several other U.S. Supreme Court matters and briefed and argued cases before the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court.
Gene's other experiences include securities, pesticide regulation, attorney misconduct, unclaimed property, and tax nexus issues.
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