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Tax Solutions
Please take a moment to browse through my web site to learn more about my firm and how I can resolve your tax issues.
My area of expertise is to solve tax problems for individuals and businesses. I represent you before the IRS and state tax authorities. My legal and CPA expertise has enabled me to resolve disputes with tax authorities and has given me a thorough understanding of tax returns and tax procedures. As a direct result of my intervention, I have saved my clients substantial time, money and aggravation.
Tax Talk
We've all heard the adage "Two things in life are inevitable: death and taxes". For a variety of reasons, some of us may ignore filing and/or paying taxes. Since it is the IRS's duty is to collect and protect the revenue, IRS has the authority to bring enforcement action against delinquent taxpayers to collect the tax. This may consist of imposing liens and levies and seizing a taxpayer's property. These are civil actions taken by the IRS. In addition, there may be criminal investigation and prosecution if the government believes there was a criminal tax violation.
Q: What are the psychological and financial effects of failing to file or pay taxes?
Q: What is my usual approach to clients who are delinquent in filing returns and paying taxes?
After contacting the IRS, I firm up a game plan with my client for getting the returns done. As the returns are prepared, the client files them, and then we decide what payment option seems most reasonable (payment in full, installment agreement or offer in compromise). Incidentally, many times, the amounts due on the newly prepared tax returns show much less tax owed than the IRS claims. With few exceptions, once the delinquent returns are filed, and a payment arrangement is made, the IRS problem will be under control and the taxpayer can sigh a sigh of relief.
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