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Gump, Richard A.

Name:Gump, Richard A.
Practice In: Business Law ,Corporate
Law Firm: Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr.
Location:13355 Noel Road, LB 39 One Galleria Tower Suite 1940
Dallas, TX 75240
Fax: 972-386-9547

Biography Stu­art A. Rosen­feldt is a Found­ing Part­ner and Pres­i­dent of Rosen­feldt & Birken, P.A. Mr. Rosen­feldt coun­sels employ­ers on com­pli­ance with employ­ment laws and reg­u­la­tions and per­forms man­age­ment train­ing. He also lit­i­gates on behalf of employ­ers and deserv­ing employ­ees in the areas of dis­crim­i­na­tion, the Fair Labor Stan­dards Act, union man­age­ment dis­putes, and non-compete agree­ments. He serves as Medi­a­tor and Arbi­tra­tor in Labor & Employ­ment related matters.

After prac­tic­ing with the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foun­da­tion, where he spe­cial­ized in rep­re­sent­ing vic­tims of union vio­lence, Mr. Rosen­feldt relo­cated to Fort Laud­erdale in 1986. Mr. Rosen­feldt for­merly served as Chair of the Florida Bar’s Labor and Employ­ment Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Com­mit­tee, which writes and admin­is­ters the exam that Board Cer­ti­fied Labor & Employ­ment attor­neys are required to pass. He rep­re­sented the Florida Bar in per­suad­ing the Florida Supreme Court to adapt the stan­dards that all Labor & Employ­ment Board Cer­ti­fied Attor­neys must meet. He served eight terms on the Exec­u­tive Coun­cil for the Labor and Employ­ment Law Sec­tion of the Florida Bar and served as Chair of the Sec­tion in 2001. He has also served as Chair­man of the Section's Con­tin­u­ing Legal Edu­ca­tion Committee.

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