Chuck Graupner is a partner in the Milwaukee office of Michael Best. He has served as the coordinator of the firm's Litigation Practice Group and on the firm's Management Committee. He has more than 25 years experience in litigating a variety of business disputes, including dealerships and franchises, securities, shareholder disputes, health care, trade secrets, contracts, and covenants-not-to-compete. In the dealership area, he has litigated disputes under the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Automobile Dealer Day in Court Act and the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act. He also has litigated a wide variety of governmental disputes, including condemnation, land use, zoning, constitutional issues and open meetings. In the area of condemnation litigation, he has represented condemnors and condemnees in many of the highest profile redevelopment projects in Southeastern Wisconsin, including the Midwest Airlines Center, Bay Shore Shopping Center, Milwaukee's Park East Freeway Corridor, and the Menomonee River Valley. He has written and lectured in the areas of condemnation, conflict of interest, open meetings, public records, municipal law issues, dealership termination, expert witnesses, injunctions, trial practice and creditor's rights. In 1998, he was elected to the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates, an organization that limits its statewide membership to 60 experienced litigators from both the plaintiffs and defense bars.