I have been a trusted legal advisor and advocate to thousands of individuals over the past twenty years. My firm's mission is to restore and enhance the dignity of the human person. When you have suffered physical injuries, either on the job or as a result of someone else's negligence, it creates a perfect storm of emotional and financial difficulties that impacts every aspect of your life. This is a critical time when you really need an experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate attorney on your side. Someone to diligently pursue your legal rights, get you paid, and get you back on your feet and enjoying life again as quickly as possible. That's what we are here for; to give you back your life and to make sure you are greatly compensated for all the pain, sorrow and worry you have been forced to endure. Give us a call today for a free consultation at 478-254-4232 or visit us on the web at www.dennislduncanlaw.com.