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Brendan M. Bush was hired as a litigation associate in January 2013. Brendan assists in a variety of personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse and neglect, and product liability cases.
Prior to joining Levin & Perconti, Brendan practiced law in the field of complex personal injury and medical malpractice litigation with his father at one of Iowa's premiere personal injury law firms.
As a clerk and as an attorney, Brendan has participated or assisted in a number of jury trials that have resulted in excess of a million dollar verdicts, including a $4.33 million verdict which was the largest slip-and-fall verdict in Texas state history. In August 2012, Brendan second-chaired a medical malpractice jury trial that resulted in an excess of a million dollar verdict for a mother of three after a pathologist failed to recognize her skin lesion was malignant melanoma. In September 2012, Brendan was flattered to be asked to join The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 under 40 organization. Membership into The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 under 40 is by invitation only and is extended exclusively to those individuals who exemplify superior qualifications, trial results, and leadership as a young lawyer under the age of 40.
Brendan graduated with honors from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 2011. While at Notre Dame, Brendan was active in the Student Bar Association and represented indigent individuals as a Public Defender in the St. Joseph County Court. In his first year of law school at Creighton University School of Law, Brendan received the CALI award for achieving his class' highest grade in Federal Civil Procedure. In 2008, Brendan graduated with honors from Marquette University where he majored in Political Science and minored in Theology.
Brendan was born and raised in Davenport, Iowa, and attended Davenport Assumption High School. Outside of work, Brendan enjoys playing basketball and tennis, running, and cheering on the Golden Eagles and Fighting Irish. Brendan is also actively involved in the Chicago community and is a parishioner at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Old Town.
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