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Sherlock, Robert D.

Name:Sherlock, Robert D.
Practice In: Health Care
Law Firm: Eisenberg Gilchrist & Cutt
Location:215 South State Street Suite 900 Parkside Tower
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Fax: 801-350-0065

Mike Hogan has been chiefly involved in patent litigation. His responsibilities have included legal and technical research, assisting with witness preparations for deposition, assisting with and performing depositions, and the preparation of complaints, answers, discovery motions, dispositive motions, and responsive pleadings. Mike also has worked on validity and patentability opinions as well as patent prosecution for patent applications directed to the pharmaceutical arts and mechanical arts. His experience covers various technological fields, including: chemical, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, generic drugs, and mechanical arts as well as involvement in trade secret and unfair competition litigation.

Mike previously spent several years as an associate at the patent firm Kenyon & Kenyon LLP. Prior to attending law school, he worked as an organic chemist in the pharmaceutical industry where his experience included all aspects of medicinal chemistry such as rational drug design and synthesis and combinatorial chemistry techniques.

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