Born in Clarksville, Montgomery County, in 1963, joined the Clarksville Police Department in 1985, graduated from Austin Peay State University in 1991 and Nashville School of Law in 1996. While at the Clarksville Police Department, I investigated many offenses and situations in my capacity as Patrol Officer, Detective, Special Operations, VICE, Sergeant and Patrol Shift Sergeant. Since leaving the police department in 1997, I have handled many, many criminal cases and tried many cases through a jury trial. I have litigated cases in all courts from the City Court of Clarksville, through General Sessions and Juvenile Court, through the Circuit Courts, both civil and criminal and through the Appellate Courts. I am further authorized to practice before the US District Court. For some time now I have only been performing criminal defense work. Former president of the Montgomery County Bar Association, graduate of the Tennessee Bar Association Leadership and currently on the board for the Tennessee Association for Justice. Further, have taught many law enforcement classes at Austin Peay State University, Fort Campbell Center, as an adjunct professor.