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I like traffic law. Everyone gets tickets. My next client could be: a preacher or a scoundrel, a trucker in his big rig or a housewife going shopping; even cops give other cops tickets.
I take tickets seriously. This could be your only contact with California’s high volume hurry-up-and-wait system, that looks as concerned with fast as it is with fair.
Since 1990 I’ve been around the block a lot of different ways—I’m always looking for a new angle. When I joined Mark Sutherland in 1990, court clerks and Commissioners were not sure what to do with attorneys appearing in traffic court without a client in tow. It was fun to upset the status quo. And it fed into my appellate background, thinking about legal issues that had never been raised.
The most fun: Blue Motorcycle Case
The biggest difference: People v Stapf
What interests us most: Speed Traps
Blue Motorcycle Case:
In 1992 we got speeding tickets issued by the Laguna Beach Police Department dismissed at trial because their motorcycles were painted blue. This was duly reported by the Associated Press on 11-14-92, and broadcast on National Public Radio on 11-16-92.
People v Stapf:
In 1994 Orange County voided 175,000 arrest warrants because we had convinced the OC Appellate Department to declare certain statutes unconstitutional (Los Angeles Times 7-21-94). Sadly, it only lasted for one month, and on 1-25-95 the California Supreme Court ended the squabble by de-publishing People v Stapf 28CA4 1756;34CR2 351. But, the fight convinced me I had made the right decision in choosing traffic tickets as a career.
Speed Traps:
Since 1992 the Appellate Courts based in Orange County have issued only six published speed trap opinions, and three of them are ours.
Published Cases:
In re Pablo C. 129CA3 984; 181CR 468 (1982) 4DCA Div.1
People v Stapf 34CR2 351(1994) 4DCA Div 3 (de-published)
People v Earnest 33CA4 Supp. 18; 40 CR2 304 (1995) App.Dept OC
People v Studley 44CA4 Supp.1; 52CR2 461 (1996) App.Dept OC
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