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Maker, William

Name:Maker, William
Practice In: Estate ,Trusts ,Lawsuit & Dispute ,Litigation
Law Firm: McMillan, Constabile, Maker & Perone, LLP
Location:2180 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, NY 10538
Fax: (914) 834-0620

Kevin Willen’s practice focuses on representing corporate entities and private individuals in an array of complex commercial and government-related litigation.  As Counsel at the Firm, Kevin assists corporate policyholders in the automotive industry identify and recover insurance for underlying tort liabilities in state and federal jurisdictions.  He also has counseled and litigated disputes involving residential and commercial real estate development projects.

Prior to joining Gilbert LLP, Kevin represented corporate clients in individual and class actions involving unfair and deceptive trade practices, business-related torts, contract disputes, residential and commercial real estate matters, constitutional and regulatory takings, and challenges to federal agency action.  Examples of his representations include:

  • Represented an automobile distributor in ten putative state and nationwide class actions alleging unfair and deceptive trade practices and breach of warranty regarding alignment defect and premature tire wear
  • Represented an automobile distributor and foreign manufacturer in nationwide putative class action alleging unfair and deceptive trade practices and breach of warranty regarding excessive and premature sub-frame corrosion during corresponding NHTSA investigation
  • Represented a tenant organization in a DC Section-8 apartment complex that was denied statutory rights of first purchase and first refusal in prospective sale of property
  • Represented individual tenants denied rights of first purchase and first refusal following residential property sale, eviction proceedings, and related DC-FOIA action
  • Represented corporate and individual clients in takings action seeking compensation from United States for seizure and slaughter of hundreds of milking sheep on USDA’s contention the animals were infected with or exposed to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Kevin has litigated cases in many judicial and arbitral venues, ranging from various federal district and appellate courts (both Article I and Article III courts) to local courts in Maryland and the District of Columbia, and arbitration panels constituted under various rules of the American Arbitration Association.

Kevin served as law clerks for The Honorable Peter J. Messitte of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland and The Honorable Michael Farrell of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

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