Alan Schwartz maintains a litigation practice in the area of pharmaceutical defense. Currently, he heads a team of Wiggin and Dana lawyers representing Bayer in the on-going litigation involving Trasylol. As part of the national Trasylol defense team, Mr. Schwartz has been involved in key aspects of the defense effort, preparing and defending Bayer witnesses at depositions in the U.S. and overseas, and preparing cases for trial. Mr. Schwartz played a similar role for Bayer in the Baycol litigation. Other recent representative pharmaceutical assignments include local and national work for Merck in the Vioxx litigation and for AstraZeneca in the Seroquel litigation. Mr. Schwartz also has represented Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim in cases pending in Connecticut state and federal courts.
Mr. Schwartz received his bachelor's degree in Economics cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania and his law degree from the New York University School of Law. He joined the firm in 1981, becoming a partner in 1989.