I have been providing criminal defense representation to clients since 1994. When you are accused of a crime and face serious consequences, you need an attorney that not only is ready and willing to represent, but WANTS TO REPRESENT YOU. Fending off the great weight of the prosecution is no small task is not to be taken lightly. I provide that aggressive, passionate and zealous representation that you need in an attorney - that you DESERVE in an attorney. When you need to talk to your attorney, you talk to me - I return your calls promptly and give you a candid assessment of your situation - you will hear what you need to hear, now just what you want to hear Experienced trying cases in state district court and superior court and in federal court. I handle serious felonies, such as homicide cases, drug possession, drug distribution, drug trafficking, firearms cases, sexual assault and rape cases, to misdemeanor matters such as larceny cases, assault and battery cases, OUI cases. I also act as a mentor attorney for attorneys in Bristol County Bar Advocate Program and maintain certification through CPCS to represent persons in superior court and in murder cases.